Sunday, 8 March 2015

Sally Snickers’ Knickers: book review

Sally Snickers’ Knickers

Book Review by Trevor Agnew

Sally Snickers’ Knickers (2014) Lynn Ward, ill. Anthea Stead,
Walker Books, NZ$27.99

Don’t snicker. In this irreverent picture book, Lyn Ward has written a cheerful verse tribute to the most functional items of underwear. Call them what you like: briefs, pants, jocks or boxers. The only problem is that young Sally likes her knickers so much that she wears them on her head.

Sally knows that knickers on her head might seem a bit offbeat.
She’s happy being different and her undie-hats are sweet. 

Anthea Stead’s lively colour illustrations show Sally wearing white cottontails for tennis “and lycra when she’s biking.” When teacher bans Sally’s unorthodox headwear in the classroom, Sally is mortified. Dejection turns to delight when Sally’s fellow students find a way of changing their teacher’s mind. And her headgear. “Every single classmate wears knickers, not a hat.”

Sally Snickers’ Knickers is a cheerful tribute to unorthodoxy and the right of the individual to be different.

Note: This book review first appeared in Your Weekend magazine (Fairfax NZ) on 22 Nov 2014. 

Full publishing details:
Sally Snickers’ Knickers (2014) Lynn Ward, ill. Anthea Stead, Walker Books, 24pp, hb, NZ$27.99
ISBN 978-1-921720-49-9

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